Thesabrinatheteenagewitch Wiki

The Good, the Bad and the Luau is the twenty fifth episode and the finale of Season 3 and the seventy fifth overall episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch.


Sabrina is taken to Hawaii for the Spellman family reunion but instead of beach and fun, she has to stay in her bedroom until she figures out the family secret. When she does find out that "every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin," Sabrina meets Katrina, her identical twin from South Dakota. After the two spend quality time together in Hawaii, they discover that they must be put on trial to determine which one is the evil twin. Because of her selfish spells, Sabrina is determined to be the evil twin. As a result of this, the Witches Council tell Sabrina that she must be thrown into a volcano and Katrina un-hesitatingly pushes her in, revealing that was the final test, proving that Katrina is the evil twin.

Meanwhile, Harvey, under the affects of a "Dr. Dolittle spell," stays with Salem while the Spellman women are away and Salem is taking care of Lola, a pregnant cat. When both Harvey's mom and Lola go into labor, Sabrina casts a spell to relax Lola that accidentally transfers her kittens into Mrs. Kinkle. When that problem is fixed, Lola gives birth to Groucho, Harpo, Chico, Zeppo, and Pepe while Harvey's mom gives birth to a healthy baby girl named Una. Harvey later takes Lola and her kittens since meowing stops Una from crying. Salem is allowed to visit but is rather sad to see them go.



Guest starring[]

  • Henry Gibson as Witch Judge


  • Kellye Nakahara as Pele
  • David Alan Graf as Uncle Danny
  • Susan Angelo as Dr. Merchant
  • Lisa K. Wyatt as Aunt Ruby
  • David Moreland as Doctor #2
  • Rick Negron as Orderly
  • Uncredited actress as Mrs. Kinkle


Magic Notes[]

Uses of Magic[]


To Relax a Pregnant Cat (failed and transferred her kittens into Mrs. Kinkle)[]

(Cast by Sabrina Spellman)

Until this cat gives birth to a litter,
Make her calm and relaxed for her new cat sitter.

To Transfer the Kittens Out of Mrs. Kinkle and back into Lola[]

(Cast by Sabrina Spellman)

There was a spell that went wrong,
Put these kittens back where they belong.



  • Libby, Valerie, and Mr. Kraft do not appear in this episode. The previous episode marked the final appearances of Libby and Valerie.
  • This is the first appearance of Katrina.
  • Introducing Sabrina's evil twin is an homage to two popular magical sitcoms from the '60s-'70s. Witch Samantha Stephens, the protagonist of Bewitched, had a mischievous identical cousin named Serena. On I Dream of Jeannie, the titular genie has an evil identical sister with the same name.
  • After two seasons, Sabrina finally receives her Witch's License.
  • This is the final appearance of Judge Samuels.
  • In this episode, Sabrina learns that lava is the only substance that can destroy a witch. Although, this could have been said as part of the test and not actually true, especially since Sabrina survives Katrina pushing her in the lava (although she could have been rescued in time).
  • Running Gag: Zelda being forced to eat sand while Hilda happily cheers on.
  • Pepe the kitten was originally named Gummo after Salem's father.
  • If you look closely at the box of kittens in the end of the episode, you'll see that those are actually rabbits.
  • This episode foreshadows the friendship that Harvey and Salem form after Harvey finds out that Sabrina's a witch.
  • Chronologically, the TV movie "Sabrina Down Under" takes place after this episode.
  • This episode contains about two minutes of clips from previous episodes.
  • Turning Libby into pineapple was an accident and so shouldn't have been included on the video.
  • Sabrina's evil twin is shown helping mortals with her magic; she helps a handicapped man walk, and rebuilds a little girl's sand castle, and the Witches' Council applauds her for it! In reality, the Witches' Council should have punished Katrina for her actions, since all the things she did were examples of CHARITABLE magic. In season one's "Terrible Things," it was stated that witches' were not allowed to help mortals by using their magic.
  • When the video clips from previous episodes are played, one of them shows Sabrina using magic to make Mr. Kraft's pants fall down. This was one of the bad things she had supposedly done using magic. However, she was actually under a spell then and had Libby's personality, so technically it wasn't actually Sabrina's personality who had done the bad deed.
  • Sabrina finally found out the Family secret and she finally got her Witch's License and she is now a full fledge witch.


  • Sabrina gives Harvey a Dr. Dolittle potion, referencing the fictional doctor who has the ability to talk to animals.
    • At the time, 20th Century Fox had released a loose comedic adaptation the year before with Eddie Murphy as the titular character.
  • The episode title is a reference to the title of the classic western movie, "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly."
  • Four of the kittens' names are a possible reference to the Marx Brothers.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch episodes
SEASON 1 PilotBundt FridayThe True Adventures of Rudy KazootieTerrible ThingsA Halloween StoryDream DateThird Aunt From the SunMagic JoelGeek Like MeSweet and Sour VictoryA Girl and Her CatTrial by FuryJenny's Non-DreamSabrina Through the Looking GlassHilda and Zelda: the Teenage YearsMars AttractsFirst KissSweet CharityCat ShowdownMeeting Dad's GirlfriendAs Westbridge TurnsThe Great MistakeThe CrucibleTroll Bride
SEASON 2 Sabrina Gets Her License (Part 1)Sabrina Gets Her License (Part 2)Dummy For LoveDante's InfernoA Doll's StorySabrina, the Teenage BoyA River of Candy Corn Runs Through ItInna Gadda SabrinaWitch TrashTo Tell a MortalOh What A Tangled Spell She WeavesSabrina ClauseLittle Big KraftFive Easy Pieces of LibbyFinger Lickin' FluSabrina and The BeanstalkThe EqualizerThe Band EpisodeWhen Teens CollideMy Nightmare, the CarFear Strikes Up a ConversationQuiz ShowDisneyworldSabrina's ChoiceRumor MillMom vs. Magic
SEASON 3 It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Season OpenerBoy Was My Face RedSuspicious MindsThe Pom Pom IncidentPancake MadnessGood Will HauntingYou Bet Your FamilyAnd The Sabrina Goes To...Nobody Nose Libby Like Sabrina Knows LibbySabrina and the BeastChristmas AmnesiaWhose So-Called Life Is It Anyway?What Price Harvey?Mrs. KraftSabrina and the PiratesSabrina, the MatchmakerSalem, the BoySabrina, the Teenage WriterThe Big SleepSabrina's Pen PalSabrina's Real WorldThe Long and Winding ShortcutSabrina, the SandmanSilent MovieThe Good, the Bad and the Luau
SEASON 4 No Place Like HomeDream a Little Dreama MeJealousyLittle Orphan HildaSpoiled RottenEpisode LXXXI: The Phantom MenacePrelude to a KissAging, Not So GracefullyLove Means Having to Say You're SorryIce Station SabrinaSalem and JulietteSabrina, Nipping at Your NoseNow You See Her, Now You Don'tSuper HeroLove in BloomWelcome Back, DukeSalem's DaughterDreama, the MouseThe Wild, Wild WitchShe's Baaack!The Four Faces of SabrinaThe End of an Era
SEASON 5 Every Witch Way but LooseDouble TimeHeart of the MatterYou Can't TwinHouse of Pi'sThe Halloween SceneWelcome, TravelerSome of My Best Friends Are Half-MortalsLost at 'C'Sabrina's Perfect ChristmasMy Best ShotTick-Tock Hilda's ClockSabrina's New RoommateMaking the GradeLove is a Many Complicated ThingSabrina, the MuseBeach Blanket BizarroWitchright HallSabrina, the ActivistDo You See What I See?Sabrina's Got SpiritFinally!
SEASON 6 Really Big Season OpenerSabrina's Date with DestinyWhat's NewsMurder on the Halloween ExpressThe Gift of GabThin IceHex, Lies & No VideotapeHumble PieA Birthday WitchDeliver Us from E-mailCloud TenSabrina and the CandidateI Think I Love YouThe ArrangementTime After TimeSabrina and the KissThe CompetitionI, BusybodyGuilty!The Whole Ball of WaxDriving Mr. GoodmanI Fall to Pieces
SEASON 7 Total Sabrina Live!The Big HeadCall Me CrazyShift HappensFree SabrinaSabrina UnpluggedWitch Way OutBada-Ping!It's a Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot ChristmasPing, Ping A SongThe Lyin', the Witch and the WardrobeIn Sabrina We TrustSabrina in WonderlandPresent PerfectCirque du SabrinaGetting To Nose YouRomance LoomingSpellmanian SlipYou Slay MeA Fish TaleWhat a Witch WantsSoul Mates