Sophia Di Borgheses is a witch who lived in Rome. She is another sister of Edward Spellman and Sabrina's aunt. She is not mentioned in the TV series, only in the movie Sabrina Goes to Rome. Sophia is the youngest of her siblings, having an older brother and three older sisters.

The painting of Sophia
Sophia fell in love with a mortal named Roberto Raoli, the two wished to get married and Sophia told him she was a witch. Sophia's family did not approve of her marrying a mortal and tried to match her up with Lorenzo, a scheming and manipulative witch. Lorenzo sets Roberto up so that he tells another mortal Sophia's secret. Although Sophia forgives Roberto, Lorenzo reminds her that the rules state that she must choose between turning him into a pile of stone, or losing her magic and being cast out. Sophia makes her decision and follows her heart before they get a chance to banish her; zapping herself inside her own locket and sealing herself in.
Sabrina goes to Rome on the request of her father to try to free Sophia, finding a painting of her by Roberto in a museum, in which Sophia looks very sad. Sabrina attempts many different methods of opening the locket but nothing works. Just before she is about to leave Rome, Sabrina forgives Paul (a mortal with whom Sabrina had a similar situation to Sophia). The locket opens and Sophia is freed. Sophia tells Sabrina that the locket opened because Sabrina "believed with her heart, instead of her magic". Sophia disappears and Sabrina and Paul find an inscription on the back of the locket which translated to "Trust your heart."
Notes and Trivia[]
- Sophia is the only one of Sabrina's aunts who has never appeared or been mentioned in the TV series.
- Her fate in the film also remains very vague. Technically, when Sabrina was able to open the locket, Sophia should have regained her bodily form and, retaining her magic, returned to the Spellman Family, since Roberto had died of old age a long time ago and no one else needed to be turned into stone. However, in the end, Sophia turns into a bunch of sparks and disappears, as if she is a spirit who has gone to the afterlife.