When Sabrina is caught by the office webcam using her powers, she magically enters Leonard's computer to destroy the evidence but ends up trapped in it when it accidentally gets unplugged. The next morning, Leonard finds her image in it and thinks it's just a picture of her. Using computer graphics, he makes her breasts and butt larger, bleaches her hair and puts her in a skimpy red dress along with a Sixties beehive hairstyle. When Sabrina finally re-emerges from the computer, she finds that she can't reverse the transformation or change out of her outfit, leaving her stuck in her new "bimbo" body for a while.
Magic Notes[]
Uses of Magic[]
The episode title is based on the series 'MTV Unplugged.'
In the episode, Sabrina gets trapped on Leonard's computer when the janitor knocks the plug out of the wall. However, when Leonard comes in, he just turns his computer on. If it had already been plugged back in, Sabrina should have been able to escape much sooner.
Sabrina gets compared to Pamela Anderson and Anna Nicole Smith (through a reference about being "married to an eighty year old billionaire.")
This episode's storyline probably features the most blatant of adult themes of any episode. There is also a scene in which it is implied that Leonard has a foot fetish.
It's never revealed if Sabrina has revenge on Leonard for altering her body or if he suffers any repercussions about it. In fact, she reacts out of character and seems quite cavalier and flippant about her transformation.