The series tells the story of a young teenager named Sabrina Spellman, who is born as a half-witch and a half-human. She lives a double life as a normal high school student and as a sorceress-in-training in the magical world. Once her two worlds collide, Sabrina is the only one who has the rate mystical ability to battle her enemies while also attempting to maintain her secret identity/life as a half witch from all of the humans around her.
Unlike previous versions, Sabrina is shown to be a witch princess; as she is destined to rule all of the magical world one day as queen. Sabrina's pet; is a black cat, named Salem, who is a spy sent by Enchantra to make Sabrina's life in the human world unbearable enough to live in the witch world permanently; in order for Enchantra to drain Sabrina of her great magical powers, and become the strongest and the most feared sorceress in all of Witch World.
- Sabrina Spellman