Thesabrinatheteenagewitch Wiki
Thesabrinatheteenagewitch Wiki

James Hexton is a witch who founded and runs Witchright Hall. Specializing in History, he works there with his mortal partner Robin Davis and a witch familiar called Phil. Sabrina meets James when she takes her cousin Amanda to the school after her mother Marigold leaves her in the custody of Hilda and Zelda. James' history lessons are very popular, as he uses time travelling to let the kids experience past events first-hand; once even taking them to meet Ghandi. At first, James doesn't think Amanda is troubled enough to warrant acceptance to the school, but when he and Robin see Amanda in tears after being rejected, he swiftly reconsiders. James fell in love with Zelda Spellman back in 1469, but had his heart broken by her and said he would never forgive her. James has also been seen to possess some clairvoyant abilities.

