Thesabrinatheteenagewitch Wiki

Certain witch families seem to have a "family secret". A witch must uncover their family secret before they are allowed to use their Witch's License. Family members often visit the witch to deliver clues that will help them solve the secret. A witch also gains the legal right to vote in The Other Realm once they have turned seventeen and solved their family secret.

The Spellman Family Secret[]

Sabrina Spellman was given a "Family Secret Board" to display all the clues on and eventually worked it out on her trip to Hawaii.

The Spellman family secret is: Every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin.

Spellman Family Secret Clues[]

Picture Meaning Explanation Given by
Aviary Every "Aviary" sounds like "every" Dorma Spellman
Member Member "M" + picture of fire = "M" + "ember" = "member" The Pirates
Of Of Picture of heart - "L" = "love" - L = "ove" which sounds like "of" Marigold Wiccan
The spellman. The Spellman "THE" + picture of a superhero with "ABC" printed on his chest = "the Spellman" Mortimer Spellman
Family Family Picture of Fay Wray = "Fay" like "fa" King Kong
Picture of Sabrina = "me" like "mi" Stanislav
Picture of Robert E. Lee = "Lee" like "ly" Santa Claus
Is Is  A snake hissing; "hiss" = "is" Zsa Zsa Goowhiggie
Born Born "B" + picture of horn = "B" + "horn" = "born" Emperor Larry
With With A whip sounds like "with" Susie Spellman
A twin A twin "A" + Picture of a ball of thread - "E" = "a" + "twine" - "e" = "a twin" Pele
  • Cousin Susie also gave Sabrina a clue that didn't go on the board: "We all have good and bad parts". This was most likely a hint to the fact one Spellman twin is good and one is evil.


  • Sabrina solved most of the family clues, but her teacher, Mrs. Quick, solved two. The first one solved ("Love - L" is "of") she solved when she saw Sabrina's write out of the clues; the second one ("Avery” = every) she figured out when Sabrina brought her onto her homemade game show.
  • Whether every single family of witches has a family secret is unknown.
    • Seeing as how if two witch families marry and their child would have more than one family secret, this casts doubt on the possibility.